Friday, October 31, 2014

The best laid plans of mice and men/ Often go awry'...

Happy Halloween!! Please be safe this weekend. 
As we say goodbye to "Of Mice and Men", consider the poem "To a Mouse" by Robert Burns.  Do you think Robert Burns has an optimistic or pessimestic view on hopes and dreams?  Explain.

See you on Monday,

Ms. Betsy

Thursday, October 30, 2014

A slope can be steep, a slope can be gradual

Good morning,
I'm proud of the work you did this morning. 
Your homework for tonight is to FIND THE SLOPE:

I'll see you tomorrow,

Ms Betsy

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Good morning students,
As some of you may not have known, "Of Mice and Men" has been one of the most banned books in America.
Your homework:
Why is the novel so controversial? Do you think the book should be censored or banned?

All the best,
Ms. Betsy

P.S. Happy Birthday, Kendra

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What is the importance of reading?


An important question was raised the other day:  "Why are we reading these books?"

After reading "Of Mice and Men" and following the journey of two unlikely friends to a tragic end, I pose the same question to you....

What is the importance of reading?  Why do people read?

See you tomorrow.

Monday, October 27, 2014

What makes us strong?

First, I would like to thank you for the work you did today. 
Second, I want to reiterate the idea that being on time is a habit you MUST adopt.  This is for you.  This is practice for the world of work.
How to keep a job:
1. Be on time
2. Have a good attitude
3. Don't make excuses
4. Leave your electronic devices in your bag.  Do not constantly look at your phone.  (This is personal advice for your emotional health as well)
Your homework for tonight:
1.  What does 'survival of the fittest' mean?
2.  How does it relate to 'Of Mice and Men'?

3. How does it relate to 'An Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian'?

See you tomorrow (at 8:00),

Friday, October 24, 2014

Dear _________________ ,

Good morning,

Please try and get some rest this weekend!  The weather is changing and lots of people are getting sick with the flu.  Hydrate, eat your veggies and get at least 8 - 9 hours of sleep per night.  

Your Homework:

Write letters to the actress playing the part of Curley’s wife. Explain that the actress playing Curley’s wife in the original Broadway production had problems understanding her character. You are to write a letter to this actress explaining the background to the character and how she should be played.

See you on Monday,
Ms. Betsy

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Sometimes, it IS as easy as it sounds

Slope - intercept form. Y=mx + b

m = slope
b = y-intercept

Whether or not it is a new concept to you, everyone did a great job today.  I appreciate and am grateful for your diligent work!

Your homework, tonight.....

1.  If you haven't read chapter 4, please make sure you are caught up

2.  Find the slope and the Y-intercept of the following equation....

Y = 3X - 5

I'll see you tomorrow at 8:00 am,
Ms Betsy

Wednesday, October 22, 2014



For those of you who braved the rain, I applaud you.  Think of school as your job.  Would you skip your job over a little rain?  (The answer for the gainfully employed, is "of course not")

Your homework for tonight is to read chapter 4 in "Of Mice and Men".  Read through the slides of the powerpoint presentation and answer the questions.  I sent the powerpoint presentation directly to your email.

You can comment on the blog, if questions or concerns arise.

Ms Betsy

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Text to Text Connections


Great job today!

Your homework tonight is to connect the text "Of Mice and Men" to the text "An Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian".

What similarities do you see between the two texts?

Friday, October 17, 2014

I hope you have a wonderful and restful weekend.  Remember, we don't have the same classroom on Monday or Wednesday of next week so please meet Ms. Gaston or myself in the library to sign in.
Now for the fun stuff...Homework!
1.  What are the three types of friendship, according to Aristotle?
2.  Give two examples of each friendship.

I'll see you on Monday,
Ms. Betsy

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Slope and Literature

Great job today!!!
You are doing a better job at being punctual; it is recognized and appreciated.
Your homework tonight is to find the slope of a line passing through the points (1,2) and (3, -2)
Review chapter two in Of Mice and Men and answer the following prompt:  Describe the relationship between Lennie and George
I'll see you tomorrow,
Ms. Betsy

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

What in the world of math is a "slope"?

That's the question for the evening:

What is slope?

What is one equation that can help us find the slope?

Does this line represent a positive or negative slope?

Does this line represent a positive or negative slope?

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Symbolism: when there's more than meets the eye (or the ear)

Good afternoon,

It was really great to see you this morning.  Thank you for participating and working so hard.

Just a reminder: class starts at 8.

Your homework tonight is to finish reading chapter two and answer the following questions:

1. Briefly describe Curley's wife

2. Who is Slim?

3.  What is Lennie excited about at the end of the chapter?

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Personality, Characterization and Literature

 Hello students,
Remember, I won't be here in the tomorrow  morning .  Please check your email for the assignment.  I will be here after my meeting at the main site.
Also, remember to start each day thinking about something you are grateful for. It sets the tone for each precious day.
Your homework for tonight is:
What is George's main personality trait?  Find one example in the book to support your idea.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

'Tis the season for the flu shot....


I am so proud of the work you did this morning. Your homework is to watch the following video about graphing coordinate points.

What quadrant is the point (-1,-3) in?

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Good Afternoon,

You guys are great! Always remember that.
Please come on time.  You miss A LOT when you walk in late.

Your homework for tonight:

 Describe the difference in how the author portrays Lennie and George.  (Describe each character)

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday is a fresh start that happens once a week.

Hello students,

Welcome to the fresh start named Monday.  I am proud of the work you do and the professionalism you project.

Your homework for tonight :

1.Recall one reading strategy

2.Define alienation

Friday, October 3, 2014



Hopefully your weekend is restful and peaceful.

Watch the following youtube link.  It's an interview with the author of the book we just finished.    (You can click the cc button for closed captioning)

In many ways, Junior is engulfed by the emotional realities of his life and his community.  Yet his spare, matter-of-fact language and his keen sense of irony help him to confront and negotiate the hurt, the rage, an the senselessness of Wellpinit's everyday realities.  How does Junior use language to lead readers (that's YOU) to the kind of understanding that they will not necessarily get from other young adult fiction?

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Good evening!

Thanks for hanging in there with the new topic today.

Your homework for tonight is.....

What evidence suggests that there was once a supercontinent named Pangea?

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Homework! Homework! Homework!

Hello wonderful students of class W04,

Your continued flexibility is admirable.  Thank you for having a positive attitude!!!

Your homework tonight is to read pages 179-196 and answer the following question:

When Junior played the basketball game against the reservation team so well that they won, why didn’t he feel pure joy?  Have you ever “won” something that actually made you feel bad, instead of good?