Friday, February 15, 2019


Good afternoon,

I am going to MISS you guys.  I hope you have a wonderful vacation.

Your homework for the break:

Option one:

1. What is a memoir?

2. What is a biography?

3. Where was McCourt born?

4. Describe Frank's father.

5. How does Frank describe his childhood?

6. What is a period?

7. Write a question about Angela's Ashes

8. Write an exclamation about "The Irish Potato Famine"

Option two:
In a well-developed paragraph, answer the following question. Why is Angela's Ashes considered a memoir?  (Use evidence from the text and your notes.  Please provide at least 4 reasons.)

PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any questions or comments please feel free to comment on the bottom of this page, or call me. I will reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your comments.  

See you next Monday,
Ms. Betsy

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