Tuesday, September 30, 2014

What's "x" got to do with it?!?!

Good afternoon,

I'm proud of the effort you put forth this morning.  Every one of you.  I know it can be difficult to have your homework done every night.  I encourage you to just make it a habit.  Habits can be formed in two weeks; good and bad.

I also understand that mornings can be rough!  Between commuting, dealing with different strangers on public transportation and trying to squeeze breakfast in, it can be difficult to show up every day with a smile.  However, remember that every one of us had to make some sort of commute, deal with strangers on public transportation and tried to squeeze breakfast in.  (Get to the point, right?)  Be empathetic to each other.  We're all dealing with something.  Be kind. Try hard.

Now, for the fun stuff: HOMEWORK!!!

Solve for X

1.  30 = 10 + 2X

2.  5X + 14 + 2X + 2 = 30

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