Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Good morning,

Again, a huge thank you everyone for being flexible and calm with our classroom situation.  You are getting to be more mature every day.  It is noticed and appreciated.

Friendly reminder: spend time on your homework every night. Make it part of your routine. Take pride in knowing the answers. It will count towards your grade but I'm more concerned that you are turning in work you are proud of.  Work done with care is much different that something scribbled five minutes before it's due.  Let's work on this together.

Your homework for tonight:

Option one:
1.  What is stored inside the nucleus?

2. What does the nucleus do?

3. What is one thing that a plant cell has that an animal cell lacks?

Option two:
In a five sentence paragraph, discuss the parts of a plant cell.  Include in your discussion what differentiates a plant cell from an animal cell.

PARENTS/ GUARDIANS: If you have any 
questions or comments please feel free to 
comment on the bottom of this page. I will 
reply as soon as possible. I look forward to your 

See you tomorrow,
Ms. Betsy

(Rafaela - estas bien?)

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